. #1024
. Deinfamous is back this week to ring in the new year in style. Tune in for his signature blend of new and old, delivered with an unmistakable energy.
.. 09-11PM ET - Deinfamous
. 01.12 #1025 - ODJ & Riddim Ryderz (Joey Migraine & Mike E Riddims)
. 01.19 #1026 - TBD
. 01.26 #1027 - TBD
. 02.05 #1028 - TBD
. 02.12 #1029 - TBD
. 02.19 #1030 - ODJ & Nirabata
. Bassdrive Archive Updated every week!
. YouTube Archives last updated: 2024.11.29
. MP3 Archives last updated: 2024.01.20